Design Buy Build Issue 56 2022 | Page 63

Ace Collection by Patrick Norguet for Ethimo presenting at CDW 2022
With Love , the installation will feature talks and music across the three days . CDW will also feature a specially created Wellness Area created by acoustic panel specialist , Texaa .
Billi Taps will be supplying free drinking water with water taps located throughout Clerkenwell - visitors can bring their own bottles and fill up – a sustainable nod to the traditional Clerk ’ s Well that gave the area its name . Lois O ’ Hara , will also be creating colourful visual installations across the threedays .
Conversations at Clerkenwell always prompts lively debates and discussions on the current design scene . This year the talks series taking place across the week in a specially designed venue in Spa Fields . Curated by Katie Richardson , Conversations at Clerkenwell brings to life topics of the day with leading and emerging designers , architects , thought leaders and creative institutes .
Talk highlights for 2022 include New London Architecture , who will explore the revitalisation of town centres and a new ‘ hybrid ’ work pattern that impacts suburb vs the Greater London ’ s economy . Jonas Pettersson from Swedish design studio Form us With Love , will discuss movements in sustainability and the future of design , post-pandemic . Designer Adam Nathaniel Furman and Architectural Historian Joshua Mardell co-editors of ‘ Queer Spaces ’ for RIBA Books , will share some of the book ’ s historic , contemporary and speculative examples of Queer Spaces
" Talk highlights for 2022 include New London Architecture , who will explore the revitalisation of town centres and a new ‘ hybrid ’ work pattern that impacts suburb vs the Greater London ’ s economy ."
from around the world . Benchmark will join a panel on wellness , alongside Trifle *, looking specifically at workplace design and what progressive spaces now need , by way of space as well as materials . BIID will shine a light on some of the female talent within their roster of interior designers .
The 2022 talk space is designed by Fieldwork Architects , with a concept that reimagines the traditional Victorian bandstand as a focal point within the park , a place for gathering , discussion , entertainment and shelter . Rather than a traditional forward facing seating arrangement , the nature of the bandstand form allows the focus point to be partially in the round and engage the audience as a discussion , rather than a presentation . Daily yoga sessions will also take place in the Talks Space at 9:00am .
The full talks programme will be announced closer to the show .
www . clerkenwelldesignweek . com