New Colour & Style - Buxton Matt Sage Green Shakerstyle kitchen with New Hampton knob handles & New Trafalgar cup handles in Bronze finish
New Bella doors by BA in 2022 : Buxton , Classic Square | Chester , Twin Panel | Stratford , Multi-panel | Helmsley , Mock Frame | Oakham , Narrow Frame Shaker | Austin , Shaker Grooves
" Colourful cabinetry and classic contemporary design continues to win-out as ‘ vintage ’..."
Colours & Finishes : Heritage colours that are natural , earthy and sophisticated will continue to grow in popularity this year , as more UK homeowners look to unify both home and garden space . Trending colours continue to embrace varying shades of green and blue , partnered with accents of white and grey and the latest contemporary foils . In fact , foil finishes are also demonstrating huge value in today ’ s kitchen , offering anti-bacterial qualities that are fully equipped to withstand modern day life .
New Style - Jayline Supermatt Indigo Blue handleless kitchen with j-profile & full wrap door
New Bella colours by BA in 2022 : Matt Sage Green | Matt Colonial Blue | Light Grey | White
New Foil upgrades by BA in 2022 : Indigo Blue | Dust Grey
Layout : Open plan living continues to champion the broken plan layout , presenting a more flexible ground floor way of living as more and more homeowners want a kitchen that doubles as a social hub whilst retaining a dedicated space for cooking and dining . As a result , a need for practical island solutions like flush-mounted hobs and inset sinks continue to provide clutter free surfaces , as well as key design features like split level breakfast bars and essential low-level storage being used to separate the living area from the main kitchen . We believe this increased demand for practical storage in the home is a direct result of open plan living now being central to all aspects of kitchen design , with many customers erring towards seamless layouts that help to avoid negative space and maximise on the kitchen ’ s working layout .
Finishing touches : Widely considered as the jewels of the kitchen , beautiful hardware like sinks , taps and designer handles are helping to define certain styles and create that all important signature style . Accesso-ries are now elevating the latest handled kitchen designs , with standout metallic finishes like antique brass , nickel , matt black and wood being designed-in to evoke a heightened sense of luxury and personalised feel .
New Handles by BA in 2022 : 72 exclusive handle designs from Formed ’ s ‘ Momo ’ handle range
For further information , please contact BA : t + 44 ( 0 ) 28 8676 4600 | e sales @ byba . co . uk | w www . byba . co . uk | For the latest news & company updates , please follow BA on Facebook , Twit-ter , LinkedIn & YouTube , plus Blossom Avenue on Pinterest # WeMakeTheDifference