Design Buy Build Issue 45 2020 | Page 35

"As the place where we lay our heads every night, the bedroom is an easy place to start when it comes to improving our sleep." Feng Shui Feng Shui is based on the principles of adding balance to a space for added calm. In a bedroom, this means implanting a design based on symmetry and pairing items together. For example, place two bedside tables on either side of the bed or install a pair of paintings. You could also add matching potted plants for more impact. Feng Shui also means keeping a space clear and devoid of clutter, so be selective with furniture and keep clutter and ornaments to a minimum. Take a ‘less is more’ approach and keep the bedroom clean and tidy, as this will only improve sleep long-term. Plants & greenery Consider adding greenery to your bedroom. Plants can boost air quality, increase air circulation and extract chemicals. Spending just five minutes in nature has a calming effect, so why not bring the outdoors in? Ferns, succulents, bamboo, aloe vera and ivy plants are easy care varieties for green-fingered beginners. Match the plant type to the level of light and ensure your plants are well watered and dusted frequently, as dust prevents sunshine absorption needed for good plant health. Block light & sound It sounds obvious, but ensure all chinks of light are blocked, as sunshine is a natural indicator to our body to wake up. Use blackout blinds and ensure curtains are fully closed before sleep. Similarly, use earplugs to block out any noise. Remember that a bedroom should be like a cave for optimal sleep, so ensure it is cool, dark and quiet ahead of sleep and throughout the night. Bedding & nightwear Avoid using synthetic materials such as polyester bedding and instead use linen, silk and cotton for the most natural bedding types. These breathable fabrics allow the body to both cool better and stay warmer. Invest in a natural duvet type, such as feather-down, and again avoid man-made materials as these can irritate the skin. The same goes for nightwear, so choose cotton, silk or linen for a more comfortable sleep experience. Keep an extra blanket close by should the temperature drop in the night. Natural remedies Adding essential oil fragrances into your room can aid sleep and create a soothing environment. Try spritzing your sheets with a light layer of lavender spray before sleep or use a diffuser with a natural scent such as mint or lemon. Taking a warm shower or bath with essential oils before bed can also make us feel more naturally tired, along with a hot drink (non-alcoholic). Banish blue light Blue light emitted from gadgets, computers, phones and screens is an instant signal to our brains and bodies to stay awake. Place these items in a different room and use a traditional alarm clock rather than a phone alarm. When it’s dark, we release the chemical melatonin, which is crucial to trigger sleep as it makes the body relax and feel naturally drowsy, so don’t let blue light prevent you from dropping off. Invest in a good quality mattress that suits your needs We spend up to a third of our lives asleep, so investing in a quality mattress can really make all the difference to your sleep quality. A good mattress will gently support your entire body while keeping your spine in a neutral position. This will not only help improve your quality of sleep - the more comfortable and supported you are, the less you will toss and turn - but will also help muscles recover overnight and alleviate any aches and pains. For more information on Tempur, visit INTERIORS 35