"The design also focuses on sustainability,
incorporating a ground-source heat pump to
primarily heat the house and the pool, with solar
panels providing an additional source."
The Black House rectangular massing divides the house into
blocks by key site axes, informed by a view from the pool
to a large populus tree, and a continuation of a previous
path to the site. As such each block is linked to a distinct
aspect of the surrounding garden and internal courtyard, the
drawing room fronting onto the pool area to the west linking
the functions of rest and play.
The axes informs an elevated path leading from the house
to the pool, continuing and stretching the hovering nature
of the building out into the landscape. This meets the pool
area and continues to an existing summer house, linking
elements in the wider landscape back to the main house.
Planting in the landscape zones the space, creating some
privacy to hide the pool from surrounding views.