Terraqua Environmental Solutions specialize in
Turn this… Into this…
Before After
the creation and maintenance of lakes and ponds.
Our wealth of practical water-management
knowledge means we provide a reassuringly good
service for private individuals and Estate owners.
We operate mainly in the south of England and
over the last 20 years have restored, improved,
enlarged and created over 1,500 lakes and ponds
in a variety of environments ranging in size from
small ponds to very large lakes.
In addition to lake and pond construction we
can provide a full range of maintenance services
including dredging, pond lining, water control
structures, dam repairs and leaks, construction of
We also have our own
jetties, fishing platforms and bridges.
nursery in Surrey where
we lovingly grow UK
All works are carried out by our team of
indigenous aquatic plants
highly skilled and experienced staff who have
and create beautiful pre-
worked with us for many years. They are very
planted coir rolls which
knowledgeable and passionate about what they
are a brilliant solution to
do and take great pride in their work allowing
erosion control as well
us to consistently deliver projects of the highest
quality. as creating a wonderful
If you are considering constructing a lake or a wildlife.
wetland habitat for
pond and have something in mind, please give us
a call - we can take your vision and help you turn
it into a reality.
1. Infiltration – using BERA Gravel Fix settle and water drains through. Certified
Pro®, Cradle-to-Cradle™ certified Silver sustainability including LEED credits:
2. Retention - using BERA Urbanscape® ,
100% natural water buffer, retaining water gravel_fix
for vegetation in landscaping
water buffer, retaining water for any
in 2009 to develop, manufacture and vegetation in landscaping.
distribute ‘green’ products and system
solutions for gardens, landscapes and
urban spaces. Millions of square meters of
BERA Gravel Fix® Pro have been installed
No chemicals anymore in the soil
required, whilst saving up to 50% of the
in diverse climates, ensuring that valuable Comes in 6m2 rolls for fitting under the
rainwater is absorbed back into the soil, lawn, or as cubes to mix into the substrate
thereby improving the ecology of the for containers or substrate in the gardens
Planet. for enhanced water and nutrient storage.
BERA Gravel Fix Pro® stabilizes gravel
Lasting for up to 15 years.
allowing direct water infiltration and We also have our own nursery in Surrey
creates a stable base for vehicles, where we lovingly grow UK indigenous
wheelchairs, bicycles, motorbikes and aquatic plants and create beautiful pre-
foot traffic. Easy moving on gravel, no ruts planted coir rolls which are a brilliant
and pits – a clean natural surface and dry solution to erosion control as well as
at all circumstances. creating a wonderful wetland habitat for
Comes with professional geo-textile fitted
at the bottom of the sheets to ensure
gravel will be kept inside, weeds cannot
BERA Urbanscape® is a 100% natural
BERA B.V was founded in the Netherlands
[email protected] |