Green Building, green construction, or sustainable building
is not new; it’s the practice of designing, constructing, and
operating buildings to minimize resource use, reduce waste
and avoid negative environmental impacts.
For 25 years - and more - we've been designing,
manufacturing and constructing 'Green Buildings' and
components in a 'Green way. Creating buildings that deliver a
positive impact on our climate and natural environment. It's in
our DNA!
Low Energy Buildings are what we are about. By helping
reduce your energy consumption we help you reduce your
energy bills, increase your property value and, if you’re a
business, increases your profits and marketing potential. If
you’re a homeowner it gives you more free cash to spend on
the other things you’d like in life.
Lifestyle Living is, therefore, one more box our buildings
can tick for you. It’s also one of our aims when working with
you and your professional advisors. Understanding the way
you live and operate, sharing your aspirations for ‘something
better’ is part of what drives us.
Going Green is not a fad or a fashion. It is a way of life and
an important reason for adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle,
making conscious decisions about sustainability, reducing
harm to our world and creating positive conditions for the
environment to flourish and thrive. Green buildings conserve
precious natural resources and improve our quality of life.
Top Tips for Building Green
Decide on your energy systems and on-site generation
• Solar | Wind | Geothermal
Specify your Thermal Insulation in relation to your:
• Site location, building orientation and surroundings
• Heating / cooling / climate systems
• Preference for natural, recycled or other sustainable
Assess the health and comfort factors
Choose materials, like wood, that:
• Are good natural insulators
• Are easily and economically recycled
• Have good ‘end of life’ value
Consider prefabrication of components and building
• That minimise waste both off-site and on-site
• For managing the site to improve the environment
• With ‘lean manufacture’ to reduce energy use
Benfield ATT Group, 5-6 Castle Way, Caldicot NP26 5PR |