Sometimes, there can be difficult situations
on a project that require more sensitive
communication skills.
From the commencement of this project,
it was evident that the neighbours were
against the development and had banded
together to bombard the Developer and the
Council with complaints in the hope the
development would be halted.
We very much feel, on every project,
that the Kisiel team become in essence
‘temporary’ neighbours in the street and a
part of the local community for the duration
of the works. As part of our support to our
client and for the smooth running of the
project, four Kisiel team senior managers
held an evening meeting with the residents
and listened carefully to all their concerns.
Everyone was given an opportunity to ask
questions and we explained, as a Chartered
Building Company, how we would work with
them to make the construction period as
least disruptive as possible.
This was the first step in communicating
with the neighbours which continued both
on an individual basis and through regular
newsletters at each stage of the works.
Having demonstrated through clear
communication and our actions that we
were ‘good’ neighbours, the remainder of
the project passed without any problems.
Concerned about the possibility of crime in
this affluent part of London, the architect’s
design had incorporated key requirements
for the doors, windows and locks to meet
the stringent requirements of the Secured
by Design scheme bronze or silver award.