Going Underground:
Stunning Family
Home in Highgate
With London property developers digging deep to maximize
potential some commentators believe we are seeing a new
golden age of basements in the capital. However, creating
such projects present interesting challenges for developers.
Citadel Design and Construction have recently completed
this beautiful family home, designed in the style of the art
and craft movement and backing onto Highgate Golf Club.
They have created a stunning home with six bedrooms on
the first and second floors and two large reception rooms
with a large kitchen and breakfast area on the ground floor
and a lift to all floors. And with prime residential space at
such a premium in London, Citadel excavated below ground
to house the swimming pool, entertainment room and gym
in the basement, together with an ancillary plant room and
utility room.
The entire garden area was also lowered by 1.7m to provide
a better view from the ground floor areas with the basement
level eventually accounting for 35% of the floor space.