Is your software a good fit?
Have you ever noticed how many different software tools
you use at your work place? • Use KPIs to track and compare real-time project
performance across multiple-impact areas.
Ever since the rise of technology, companies have invested
billions into new software programs. • Reduce environmental impacts on projects by cutting
waste, improving site management, and reducing energy,
water, materials and transport use.
The need for different programs for different problems
across safety, health, environmental and quality
performance is vast. The likelihood is that your
information is scattered across numerous incompatible
software making data a more complex challenge to harness
its potential.
Wasted time by unproductive software can cost an
organisation significantly, having different departments
using different software can cause immense
communication barriers in sharing vital information across
the business. Sharing information such as incident reports
or even audits and inspections can be challenging when
not using the correct tools.
This can only change when all your information and
data is sorted within one software tool, helping your
communication and efficiency flow effectively through the
organisation and its stakeholders.
Many have the idea that managing environmental, health
and safety concerns must be a burden. However, modern-
day software is designed to be tailor made to your project
activity, providing versatile and customisable modules
configured to your requirements.
• Actions generated through observation can be clearly
allocated to those responsible, across your supply chain.
As EHS software has evolved, the market suffered two
obstacles. Programmers making the software were not
aware of how the industry operated. Secondly, technology
experts were trying to give a shot at making their own
software with no knowledge of software design, resulting
in programmes that didn’t work effectively.
With modern-day industries changing all the time, today’s
software is developed by skilled professional programmers,
who work in conjunction with sector industry experts to
deliver software that is easy to navigate and understood by
Here are a few of the benefits of EHS software: Book a free demo to find out why over 20,000
users choose to use SmartSite.
• Control access to company and project information
easily with secure multi-user access levels. Call the SmartSite team on 03330 430 644 or