Heating , Ventilation & Insulation
Legionella control and risk avoidance thereof are top of the list when designing heating and hot water systems . The whole supply chain – manufacturers and distributors through contractors to endusers – need to plan and design systems to eliminate the risk of Legionella . It is one area where avoidance and prevention are the only sensible action to take to avoid problems further down the road . Our modern lifestyle demands that hot water is available on tap at any time , day or night . So how can installers and designers reduce the fear of Legionella breaking out – and give peace of mind to customers and end-users ? Quite simple – limit the volume of storage on your hot water system .
www . rinnaiuk . com
The Plumbing Group Limited
The Plumbing Group Ltd are said to be at the very forefront of water heating technology . Through their range of Unvented Venturi Cylinders and new 3S technology , the world ’ s first ‘ Self-Sustaining System ’ was created in which the internal expansion device is constantly replenished . The 3S Technology cleverly uses fluid dynamics in order to create a negative pressure . This pressure is known as the ‘ Venturi Effect ’. The precision of the design means that enough air is allowed to be drawn through in order to recharge the air gap as the tank is filled . All cylinders are WRAS approved and come with a 25-Year cylinder warranty and a 3-Year parts warranty . Sizes range from just 80 Litres and go all the way up to 500 Litres and are available in both direct and indirect models .
www . theplumbinggroup . co . uk
Hospitals choose spray foam for temperature control to aid patient recovery
Spray foam insulation can be used in the healthcare sector to help regulate the internal temperature . It is one of the highest performing insulation materials in terms of preventing heat loss when closed cell materials are chosen . A superior insulant retains the heat for longer or prevents warmth from the sun entering the building during spells of hot weather . By controlling the internal temperature at an optimum level this is a key factor in a patient ’ s recovery . In the healthcare sector , King ’ s College Hospital ’ s Critical Care Centre has utilised spray foam insulation below the plant room floor . This compact and versatile insulant could be sprayed from below onto the underside of the irregular shaped corrugated sheeting , providing the required U-value and Class 0 fire rating . The installation was carried out using a British Urethane Foam Contractor Association approved installer .
www . bufca . co . uk
Invisivent ® EVO AK
The most discrete window ventilator
• Self-regulating fl ap : i-Flux technology guarantees maximal comfort and minimal energy loss
• Natural supply of fresh air
• Discrete installation on top of the window frame
• Easy to maintain
• Different acoustic versions available
• Water- and insect proof
www . rensonuk . net