Believing flooring was lacking some punch, EXKLUSiV
Floors are excited to introduce the ultimate in superhero
super-merchandise: authentic classic Marvel prints on
high-gloss flooring.
Super-fans and newcomers alike can now have flooring
worthy of Asgard, and make their home come to life with
their favourite Marvel comics. It’s the perfect way to take
a room to the next level – whether it’s where you store
your comics, your gaming or entertainment room, or
even a feature in the kids’ bedroom.
From beige to boom
EXKLUSiV Floors was set up with a single vision: to turn
flooring into a focal point. With that alternative in mind,
EXKLUSiV partnered with Marvel Comics, a compa-
ny that knows a thing or two about grabbing people’s
imaginations. The two have worked closely together to
create designs that will revolutionise the way people see
flooring .