creation of a dry construction deck. The house itself While the home is built to be used primarily by
is timber framed with a handful of steel beams to Michell and his family, it has also been designed to be
provide support around the large glazed openings. able to be leased out as a holiday rental, increasing
financial viability of the project and allowing guests
The house has been designed with sustainability in to visit and enjoy the secluded location. The house
mind and offers a far more energy efficient building has therefore been designed to be considered as a
than the outdated bungalow that was previously on prototype when others consider building holiday
site. An abundance of south facing glazing allows accommodation: a versatile home away from home
whereby the design allows you to escape into the
for a limited reliance on artificial lighting, while the
natural surroundings.
deep eaves negate overheating during the summer.
The insulation and vapour barrier lines are carefully Completed in May 2016, Backwater is a highly
maintained to achieve high levels of air tightness for sustainable new family home that brings a strong
the efficient use of the ventilation system with heat contemporary architectural presence to its sensitive
recovery. waterside setting in the Norfolk Broads.