The three bays of the house splay out in a way Externally, a layered timber landscape provides the
that the waterfront elevation becomes the most house with usable external space while acting as a
hierarchical point of the house. Where the entrance transition from water level up to the elevated ground
facade is relatively modest, the house offers an floor.
outstanding counterpoint to its surrounds when
viewed from the lagoon, providing the area an The planting was chosen to thrive in the semi-aquatic
exceptional example of contemporary architecture. conditions, often using ornamental versions of native
Glazing adorns much of this elevation to provide Norfolk Broads species to create a garden that is
views over the surrounding landscape from harmonious with its watery environs. The west edge
throughout the house. of the site is more heavily planted to reflect the wild
vegetation on the other side of the drainage dykes
Deep eaves emphasise the house’s bold silhouette whilst the east edge is given a timber quayheading to
and provide sheltered external living spaces that are allow for the mooring of boats.
useable across the seasons. The covered external
space makes reference to the verandas of the Inside, a simple broken plan arrangement allows for
neighbouring Edwardian riverside chalets along the flexible living and accommodates family life by allowing
main river that were built as holiday homes with an different activities to take place simultaneously through
emphasis on leisure and relaxation. the use of timber sliding doors.