Respect for environmental
safety and quality
Chrome Finish of bacteria, moulds and
Zero emission integrated fungi on the surfaces. Our
cycle, 100% environment- paints are laboratory-
friendly. Anti-scale, anti- tested according with
bacterial, ecological, long- the JIS Z 2801:2000
time shining resistance. method. Compared with
traditional paints grant
Crystal Clear Treatment
Crystal clear is a innovative glass cleaning chemicals, great for the
treatment which is applied in environment , with less maintenance
laboratory conditions at our factory , more resistant to every day use
using state of the art machinery. staying new for longer.
First the glass is cleaned then evenly
sprayed with the Crystal Clear After care , After showering Novellini
treatment, finally thermally baking recommends that you wipe down the
onto the glass surface. glass using a soft cloth or squeegee,
only clean Novellini products using
Thanks to the unique chemical our specially formulated cleaner
reaction within one single application "Clean it" which can be purchased
the glass surface has been modified through our dealers and directly with
absorbing the treatment, thus giving Novellini UK.
you a longer lasting protection.
Hygienic , biological tests have proven We hope you enjoy your Novellini
that the Novellini glass has 98% less product for many years to come,
bacteria than non treated glass. please visit our website for more
information and other exciting
Low maintenance, The water will run
off the glass leaving less residue on
the surface, no need to use heavy
Antibacterial Coatings more than 99% reduction
Novellini has chosen to of the most common
enrich the paintings with bacterial organisms
silver - and zeolite - (Staphylococcus aureus
based additives, in order MRSA and Escherichia
to prevent proliferation coli).