Editor’s Choice
A sound investment
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Sioo are leaders in wood protection using silicate technology. We provide a
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Sioo Wood Protection AB | www.sioo.co.uk
Made in Sweden
Recognising the specialism of
conservation within architectural practice
Despite continuing global growth within preservation internationally. Individuals . It is unlikely that one individual or practice
the construction industry, the majority of who are Accredited Conservationists, must will have sufficient expertise to carry out
building stock has already been built. While demonstrate competence within five key a conservation project without involving
some structures are demolished to allow for areas which are: another specialist or at least by referring to
better use of the land; others are spared.
Often the reasons for this are that the
site has substantial cultural or emotional
significance to the local or wider community.
In order to maintain these buildings, a
growing team of professionals specialising
in refurbishment, repurposing, protection or
preservation are called upon.
• philosophy of conservation
• site analysis and intervention
• investigation, materials and technology
• social and financial issues
• implementation and management of
conservation works
technical guidance from accepted sources.
It is this process of constant learning and
sharing of knowledge and resources which
assists in maintaining and spreading the
knowledge and body of professionals who
are capable of appropriately serving our
built heritage.
For more information on becoming a CIAT
Conservation work is an assembly of Conservation practitioners must have the Accredited Conservationist, please contact
knowledge which results in incorporating ability to identify, determine and understand Amina Khanum, Specialist Registers’
a piece of history within the present by what is important about buildings and Coordinator [email protected].
using conventional construction techniques. their surrounding areas. They must also Best practice from similar projects and understand how the building worked, what up-to-date research is applied, rather than materials were used to build it, following a strict set of conservation ‘rules’. and in turn make assessments These guidelines stem from the International as to how the existing structure Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) will interact with any modern which is the body associated with alterations.