Better by Design
ost consumers will only buy a more unexpected, advantageous heating This is a great way to give your customers
radiator or towel warmer one design at the higher end of the market. a sense of personal style, as well as move
to three times in a lifetime and Helping to create a minimalist aesthetic, away from the standard white finish to
therefore now consider it a luxury purchase metallic finishes are elevating contemporary create a heating solution suited to any
for the home. Becoming more comfortable to heating designs for the better, welcoming décor, interior or individual.
explore the advantages of bespoke heating new finishes like brushed and bright nickel design, models which are luxurious and non- or antique copper or brass as a point of specific to a certain room are performing difference.
best right now.
By taking a more advisory role with your
client, you can focus on design creativity
and service as this will help achieve a
This desire has also led to developments positive outcome for all. For instance,
Offering endless styles and combinations in texture, allowing homeowners the selecting the right finish and material is just
to heat the home, premium design radiators opportunity to move away from the as important as style; you need to make
and towel warmers are now available with standard smooth, highly polished chrome sure the model chosen co-ordinates with
integral fold-away storage rails, practical aesthetic. The market now offers a choice the fixtures and fittings already in place and
mirrors and remote control function to of matt finishes and tarnished effects to plays to the modern homeowner that yearns
ensure the height of convenience and utility. choose from, and for the height of contrast, for high attention to detail.
The introduction of atypical materials and
finishes has also become the latest look in
interior fashion, compelling the need for
homeowners can combine this style of rail
finish with an integrated flat panel radiator
in granite or coloured glass.
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