For Taylor Lane who were also responsible Small holes were then drilled into the OSB Having specified a highly energy efficient
for on site installation of the timber frame, boards through which loose cellulose home, when tested for air-tightness,
using WarmShell was a good solution. insulation was blown under pressure to Sandra and Mike were delighted to find
completely fill the void and every potential that their cottage leaked just 3m³ per hour,
The 100mm. woodfibre insulation boards air gap in the wall. The cottage now had, much less than the 10m³ per hour that
were fitted to the outside of the stud in effect, solid walls of insulation that were Building Regulations demand. The heat U
framework and a 10mm. both strong and provided excellent ‘U’ value achieved was 0.18 W/(m2K)
OSB board on the inside, onto which
Not surprisingly, the underfloor heating
battens with plasterboard were fitted to On the exterior walls, Lime Green’s is only needed a few times in winter,
form a service cavity and then finished Prepbond base render was applied to which means that the couple not only
using Lime Green’s Solo decorative one- the WarmShell boards, with a glass fibre have the dream cottage they were looking
coat plaster. reinforcing mesh worked into it. The walls for, but also a very energy efficient and
were then completed with a top coat of inexpensive home for their retirement.
The joints between the internal OSB
racking boards were taped to effectively
Lime Green mineral silicate paint.
For further information on Warmshell
create an airtight box within the timber As well as enhancing the very attractive frame. A high level of air-t