Robust Rainwater System
for Bridlington’s New
RNLI Station
ridlington’s new lifeboat station With this in mind a stainless steel rainwater There is space to house a new Shannon
is set to open, replacing the 114 system from Yeoman Rainguard was chosen. class lifeboat alongside the inshore D class
year old original station which Functional yet stylish, 145 x 165mm box lifeboat.
has become outdated, cramped gutters and 80mm dia. downpipes were
and impractical.
fitted complementing the sleek linear The crew accommodation is more modern
appearance of the lifeboat house. and the establishment will also include a
The design of the charity’s new purpose
workshop, changing and drying room, crew
built station not only considered the Stainless steel is a robust material which room, and a space for the charity’s lifeguards
practicalities of a working station but also offers many years of maintenance free to store their lifesaving equipment.
aesthetics as it stands in a prime location on service and is notable for being corrosion All of which will result in improved
the Spa Promenade adjacent to the beach resistant, providing a cost effective and efficiency and operating facilities for the
- a convenient position saving precious sustainable product. It is also eco-friendly volunteer lifeboat crew.
minutes in the launch time of the lifeboat. with a stainless steel rainwater system being the perfect, non-contaminating, material For information and news about the RNLI,
Echoing Art Deco lines, building materials choice for those wishing to collect run-off please visit
for the new station were chosen for both water.
For information on Yeoman Rainguard’s
design impact and durability, as the
construction will have to withstand the The new two – storey RNLI lifeboat Station full range of rainwater systems go to
Northeast coastal elements for many years at Bridlington will not only look the part but
to come. will play the part too.