orking with developer Arrant Land, 31/44 Red House takes its name from the warm red brick, which is
Architects has completed a new speculative evident as a highlight brick in the existing terrace and is used
development on an end-of-terrace plot in here as the main building material.
East Dulwich, south London.
The principal architectural move on the main elevation has
The location is a typical Victorian terrace ubiquitous been to appropriate the arched entranceway of the terrace
in London’s suburbs, but this newcomer is anything but into a large window onto a double-height hallway. The
pedestrian. The house shares the visual language of the window is frameless, the arch is stripped of detail and the
pattern-book brick Victorian houses with their ornamental span is achieved with a pre-cast, pigmented concrete panel.
arched entrances, but it is designed in a contemporary idiom The patterning in the panel is redolent of the decorative tiling
and confidently terminates the terrace with a highly distinct found in the floor thresholds in the entrances of Victorian
proposition. terraces.
The ambition of this project has been to design a contemporary The site was formerly occupied by an end-of-terrace garage.
dwelling which references and evolves the character and The new house offers a blueprint for building on small,
rhythm of the terrace. urban brownfield plots, as part of an emerging movement
by independent developers to densify London through fine-
grain, incremental development.