Design Buy Build Issue 28 2017 | Page 22

Civils Expo 2017 highlights the latest in civil engineering and infrastructure C ivils Expo, the UK’s leading event Association and Spire Environmental Consul- post-Brexit will be discussed at the show, dedicated to civil engineering and tants Ltd, and Bluebeam. while projects that are having an import- ant impact on the sector such as Crossrail, infrastructure, will once again bring together leading suppliers of the latest tech- Leading figures from across the industry Ordsall Chord and Hinkley Point will be nologies, systems and products for the sector will al so attend the show, such as Crossrail, explored by those leading them in front of a when it returns to Birmingham NEC from Heathrow, BAM Nuttall, Kier, Transport for live audience. 10-12 October 2017. the North and Highways England, where they will debate the industry’s most pressing top- To tackle the issue of building safety head Visitors can expect new product launch- ics and discuss the challenges and opportuni- on, Civils Expo will also bring together es, the latest software demonstrations and ties currently facing the sector. leading authorities to deliver free CPD advice and guidance on key issues such as fire technical advice from a range of exhibi- tors across the three-day event. A detailed The seminar programme for Civils Expo has prevention and safety in buildings; guidance seminar programme will provide attendees been designed to inform and educate visitors on sprinklers, fire doors and dampening; with an opportunity to learn about upcoming about the planning and implementation of health and safety and how to improve safety significant projects as well as increase their significant projects, as well as introduce them through technology, as well as the latest network with a range of business leaders to suppliers so they can learn about new advice on cladding and other flammable from across the industry. products, gain skills and make long-lasting building materials. contacts. For more information and free registra- The highlights of the show range from launches of materials which will transform One of the show’s biggest attractions will be building activity, to the latest efficient tech- The Infrastructure Hub, which will explore nologies for management of site activity, with the process of planning, designing and more to be announced in due course. building a variety of projects from road infra- structure and rail infrastructure through to Exhibitors already signed up to launch new airports and seaports. Topics such as future products, showcase software and provide proofing infrastructure and construction, sus- technical advice include HS2, Groundforce tainability in business, drones, offshore wind UK, CEMEX, Breedon Group, the Scaffolding turbines and connecting Britain to the world 22 tion visit