At the inception of this particular project, we visited the
homes of both the resident owner as well as their parents.
They were both different in style, but similar in the way they
live their day to day lives. Due to the style differences, the
owners’ house was very simple while the parents’ home was
very ostentatious, but both were well organized and clean. It
was so clean in fact that it was hard to believe that people
actually lived there. “The living space is so immaculate, is this
a model home?” we asked the homeowner, but she said it was
influenced by her mother. Growing up, she was used to seeing
how well kept her mother was that if things are not organized,
I don’t feel comfortable. Come to think of it, the parent’s place
had only what they essentially needed.
The 3 main points we focused on this project are: how to
maintain the lifestyle of preferences of these two homes, how
to mold these two homes naturally, and how to maintain privacy
in both homes. The main area of concern was how the interior
design will not only keep the styles and preferences intact,
but maintain a state of distance and communion. To do this,
we kept the lawns in the middle with both the common spaces
facing each other. Meanwhile the bedrooms and bathrooms
were kept on the further sides of each other. Also, the height
distribution between the owners’ rooms and parents’ rooms
are about 1 story apart. Last, the front gate and entrances are
connected by a bridge for fairly easy access.
House no.1 _
minimal & edge
The residential owners live in all white living
space. The living space is also minimalist, so there
mustn’t be any clutter. With high ceilings (3.5m),
long windows seen across a narrow kitchen, wall
lighting in bedrooms, the space felt voluminous
and open. The sight of their parents’ structure
seen across the lawn out looking the front window,
it was as if their parents’ house was another work
of art seen from their house. A trapdoor for some
privacy was places as well. Adjacent the inner part
of the living room was a small room for a bed and
closet, and an office for the mother in which gives
entry to the bathroom and bedroom. Downstairs
is another office in which the husband can use to
study and be a big part of his everyday lifestyle.