With the brick gables,
black-painted prefabricated
timber cladding with glass
secti ns r m
r t cei in
characteristic “roof boxes”
and new light stairways in
steel and glass, the building
complex has left the 1970s
behind, setting contemporary
new standards for the
renovation of public housing
in northern Jutland.
the ats ha e een
fully renovated, accessibility
has been improved and, via
conversions and extensions,
new types of housing have
been established that were
not previously among the
ran e
ats ered in these
two sections of the housing
association. For example, 91
the re r ished ats are
now two-storey units and
many have large, south-facing
balconies. There is still a solid
base of well-renovated twoand three r m ats hi e
more interesting new home
typologies are added to bring
a greater diversity of residents
into the area.
The overall sustainability
strategy is based on a
holistic approach, in which
the en ir nmenta financia
and social aspec