building – regenerating the
building’s pathways as well as
incorporating modern STEM
“In terms of the exterior, the
glass frontage faces the site
entrance and creates a dramatic
statement within the campus’
andscape re ectin the
importance of the school within
the university.”
and innovation skills and this
new development will help
to ensure that our students
and graduates are equipped
to become the science and
engineering leaders of the
Malcolm Page, chief operating
cer at eesside ni ersit
said: “This is another
si nificant de e pment hich
will enhance the student
experience. We are committed
to providing students with the
best learning environment to
ena e them t
rish and the
antastic ne aci ities n er
here will give them a realistic
insight into what it is like to
work in industry.
CPMG’s designs also
incorporated manufacturing,
power engineering and
aerospace engineering
laboratories designed to the
hi hest specificati n
the inclusion of enough space
to house a full size aircraft
for physical and load testing.
eesside ni ersit a s
stressed the need to build on
its existing facilities in electron
microscopy, x-ray, spectroscopic
and thermal analysis testing,
outlining the need for newlyrefurbished laboratories to
be modernised to the highest
industry standards.
“The university has a proud
record of producing graduates
with exceptional technical
“We are pleased to have
been involved with Teesside
ni ersit s ne est additi n t
its quarter of a billion pound
campus redevelopment.
This is the latest completed
building in a series of
pr ects
has desi ned
at the university and we look
forward to continuing to work
with them in the future,”
added Nick.
CPMG has a 10 year history
ith eesside ni ersit the
Athena building, Phoenix
building, Centuria South,
Darlington Campus, the
first phase the i rar
redevelopment and the new
green wall to the Student
Centre have all been
developed using CPMG’s
designs. The award-winning
architects’ designs have
recently been implemented
in the extension to the
Olympia building to build
a ne hea th and fitness
centre and CPMG is working
with the university on a
forthcoming refurbishment of
its library.