Yard House Mews Development
The proposal has more than 5sqm of
space on each dwelling with access to
a private amenity space, either in the
form of a balcony/ roof terrace on upper
levels, or rear garden on ground level
units. In addition to the private rear
gardens, traditional ‘front gardens’ in
front of blocks A/C/D are envisaged,
which will help create a feel of an urban
mews narrative. A pedestrian footpath
separates those gardens from the ‘Liner
Park’, a continuous communal space
with landscaped areas along the entire
southern boundary of site - this will
provide a much needed visual and
acoustic buffer between the site and
adjoining gardens. Finally, there are
two further large landscaped spaces at
the east and west ends of the site, one
of which is a secure playground area;
these both perform valuable leisure and
ecological functions. Bike and bin stores
are located to the side of the access road
with a collection point at the front for
easy access.
Within the plan of the parking scheme,
turning space has been incorporated
along with suitable low level
landscaping. Given the proximity to the
town centre and the high PTAL rating,
the scheme envisages only five parking
spaces, located in the central space at the
end of the entrance street. The proposal
is located in an area with good access
to facilities and services in a manner
consistent with the wider context.
Owing to the size, design and position
of the proposal on the site, no issues of
loss of privacy or overlooking are likely
to arise. The presence of landscaping
to provide visual screening around the
property enhances privacy. In addition,
the landscaping will ‘green’ the amenity
areas of the proposal creating an
attractive communal area. The proposed
blocks are to be provided with level
access from the public domain and the
allocated car parking. Accordingly, the
buildings will be physically accessible
to all members of the community. The
communal areas are both secure and
visible. Each block has its own front
garden in the traditional manner.