Yard House Mews Development,
South London
The development of this relatively
generous but challenging landlocked site
in South London is the latest in series
of designs that seek to replace a disused
warehouse building with a residential
complex. Architectural language and
materials pallet seen on elevations of
this development are influenced by the
modern urban themes found in new
development in this part of London,
although the proposed design also makes
a strong reference to the old commercial
building that occupied this site. The
scheme includes both public and private
amenity spaces that are very generous by
contemporary standards.
The design has an urban form of a short
street leading to a square from which
a short Mews evolves. The proposed
development represents the addition of
two stand-alone blocks, a detached house
and a terrace that respect and assimilate
into the existing surroundings, with
regard to building type and patterns of
spacing, whilst introducing a modern
design in response to the context. Height,
mass and proportions reflect those found
in the wider area and directly respond to
the concern of scale raised in the eight
unit scheme (previously approved and
partly implemented several years ago).
The size of the building sits comfortably
on the site, retaining sizeable landscape
space, while responding positively to
the change in levels. Particular attention
was given to the impact of upper level
windows on the rear elevation, which
are located close to the site boundary
and adjoining back gardens. The design
envisages a curved elevation that turns
into a roof is proposed on this elevation