creative considered construction of sustainable buildings
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J O H N M c C A L L A R C H I T E C T S LT D
experts in all forms of house design
tel : 0151 707 1818
sustainable . eco designed . cost effective
e : [email protected]
creative considered construction of sustainable buildings
tel: 0 7 8 5 4 9 3 1 9 8 2
Passive House
simPly enHanced.
The home of Colin Usher, director at John
McCall Architects, has outperformed
expectations by exceeding Passivhaus
standards and the superior Swiss Minergie
The £240,000 house in West Kirby, Wirral
proves that eco homes don’t have to be
expensive or need to be conspicuously
unconventional in appearance. Jenny
Usher (Colin’s wife) acted as the client
throughout, setting the brief and
maintaining a close interest throughout
the construction and completion process.
The 4-bedroomed property is powered by
the same amount of energy as is used by a
150w light bulb.
No overheating occurred during the
summer months this year and the house
is performed over 2 times better than the
Passivhaus standard it was designed to
It was constructed using an exceptionally
well insulated masonry and concrete
structure and has triple glazed windows.
“It is a comfortable house to live in with
high ceilings and generous spaces and
its appearance is not incongruous with
surrounding houses.
Director at John McCall Architects, Colin
Usher, said: “This is not a complicated
“It dispels the myth that an eco-driven
home needs to be expensive and radically
different in appearance to other homes.
“Accomplishing this requires the right
team supplying the materials and
constructing the building – The materials
supplier Christ Hurst of Clan Products
NW Ltd & Thin Joint Technology Ltd and
Jon Day of the Passivhous Plus building
constructors provided a dedicated and first
class service.”
“It uses a combination of tried and tested
construction techniques along with high
performance heating and ventilation
technology to keep running costs
exceptionally low.
This house has been designed &
constructed to prove the case that it is
possible to build a high performance
home at a competitive cost; but it also
shows that the owners do not have to
It is carefully orientated to optimise solar
gains and to maximise the electricity
generated by the solar PV roof panels. The
house also incorporates an air source heat