Design & Build 10 | Page 48

Design Much of their work comes from recommendations by their clients to their fami- lies and friends, whilst their commercial endeavours are mostly repeat business. These also include projects wherein architects and de- signers seek solutions to specific needs or are look- ing for particular solutions. We have been working closely and repetitively with the same companies on specific pro- jects and this encourages us to forge ahead in this area too - and to take on more projects of this calibre,” he commented. Thermal or PVC? other products on the local market are of a far lower U-value, thereby insulating far less efficiently than our finished products do Kömmerling (“the premium brand with a global reputation”) was founded in Germany in 1897, and is rightfully seen to be the leading brand among window systems and apertures for the most diverse applications. Mario Camilleri explained that Adore more is connect- ed to some of the topmost brands in the field, such as Schüco for thermal alumini- um (“the best for apertures” he added) and Kömmerling, the oldest established brand in the PVC sector. “Both are world leaders in their fields,” he pointed out. Kömmerling offers various types of profiles as well as flexibility in the profile system and its installation, while also being exceptionally advanced where it comes to insulation. Here, he explained, one needs to understand that the lower the U-value of the aperture – glass and profile - the better the service it gives. Kenneth explained “We generally operate at a level of about 0.9U which is very good especially when one notes how far lower this standard is than the recommended EU standard of 1.1. Unfortunately for Malta, other products on the local market tend to carry a far higher U-value, thereby insulating far less efficiently than our finished products do.” At this point Kenneth Fenech explained that the U-val- ue varies according to the size of the aperture. It cannot actually be measured on the spot when an aperture is in- stalled but their overseas suppliers would give them the required technical info for each item ordered. “It is actually a rather complicated equation,” he added, “but our supplier will attach to each and every win- dow a certification and information about the type of U-value that particular window actually has. “Performance-wise the two materials – ther- mal sealed aluminium and pvc - are both the same” he said. Yet there is a difference though you cannot really notice it as you cannot feel it, he explained. “For example: when we’re talking of sound insulation performance, PVC actually works better. When we’re look- ing for aesthetics, then the aluminium ver- sion gives a much better and finer look while also offering a much larger range of finishes. 46 ISSUE 10 WWW.DESIGNANDBUILD.COM.MT