Design & Build 10 | Page 32

Design Other economy-contributing sectors would be adversely affected by a scenario wherein the property industry loses its stride. So does the Association have any in- sight as to whether the new adminis- tration will apply the policies currently adopted in the industry, an industry which was considered to be the driving force of the Maltese economy? Chetcuti is adamant that if Govern- ment does not continue to believe that the construction industry is the backbone of local industry and per- haps take a more populist approach, by creating excessive bureaucratic procedures, resulting in things not being done, then the government will have a major problem in keep- ing Malta’s finances adequate and the economy booming. Employment lev- els would be affected if this approach is taken and the negative repercus- sions would be immeasurable. Chetcuti is of the opinion that a Government should be surrounded by people whose personal interests do not come first before those of the country. Politicians should be well paid - one cannot expect ministers to if Government does not continue to believe that the construction industry is the backbone of local industry ... then the government will have a major problem in keeping Malta’s finances adequate and the economy booming 30 ISSUE 10 work on a 247 basis without their re- muneration being in line with their responsibilities. This is not accept- able as it gives possible cause to stray- ing out of the path of righteousness. Similarly, Authority board members who have to take some very challeng- ing decisions - that impact the econ- omy and well being of the country, should also be paid in tandem with the roles they perform. “You cannot expect people in positions of high responsibilities to not be remunerat- ed properly. If we want good, honest people, ready to give their dedica- tion, commitment and expertise to full use, then the least we can do is remunerate them justly.” So back to the construction challenges being faced, the next question would be whether there are lesser risk areas in which to negotiate? For example in the case of apartments, if Malta has a slow down in the economy, where foreign investment is reduced, would there be particular areas that would be initially affected? And would the Association want to advise entities to stop building apartments and start building semi independent villas, which could prove to be less risky in an economic downturn? Chetcuti explains that the reduced appetite for investment is felt across the board - wryly he comments that the only ones to have a possible posi- tive outcome would be legal consult- ants, due to increased litigation and less liquidity causing debt collection procedures to come into force. Disposal of construction waste was a hot topic in 2019. Could it be the case if the rhythm slows down that the problem will automatically diminish? WWW.DESIGNANDBUILD.COM.MT