Design & Build 08 | Page 19

Design MDA’S way forward for development Launched in 2010 on the initiative of Sandro Chetcuti, one of Malta’s renowned property developers and Perit Michael Falzon, the Malta Developers’ Association’s purpose was to provide a unified voice for stakeholders in the sector. From the very start the Association became a forum for the industry and an interface with local and national developers and the public in general. The MDA started at time when the industry was in the midst of a recession, where sustainable growth within the necessary safety provisions and quality standards was required. Nine years down the line, the Association has become an influential voice, lending its voice to government policies as well as its active participation in national project plans. Design and Build was present for the recently held Annual General Meeting, whose theme was ‘Hard Work, Major Successes’. The outcome of the AGM, as highlighted below is a unique opportunity for those not directly involved but equally being affected by the industry to gain a clearer insight on the work that the Association is doing and which might be overshadowed by more debated projects. WWW.DESIGNANDBUILD.COM.MT ISSUE 08 17