Design & Build 03 | Page 61

Design F ollowing this, the econo- my continued to show good growth and this led employ- ees to change their expectations once more, this time adding on the desire to develop themselves on the job in addition to contributing to society. Nowadays, this approach has evolved even further with employees looking for jobs that give them the opportu- nity to grow and that moreover give them a means to the lifestyle they want to live. They are seeking em- ployment with organisations that have a good reputation and those which help them to feel self fulfilled. Employees are not just asking them- selves about what they wish to do but also where they wish to work. The battle for talent among employers is so evident nowadays, as skills short- ages are becoming even more acute in certain sectors. This has forced em- ployers to rethink the way they posi- tion themselves in the labour market. In the past, companies relied on their consumer brand to provide them with a good reputation. A strong consum- er brand would then be used to at- tract and retain talented employees. Companies need to be seen as a great place to work DESIGN&BUILD A strong employer brand fuels job satisfaction and success. This is no longer enough as there is also a need for employers to have a strong employer brand. Employers are starting to recognise the fact that their vision, values and culture have a huge impact on their image and, therefore their reputation. In turn this fuels satisfaction, happi- ness and success on the job. Compa- nies need to be seen as a great place to work, fostering a team of employ- ees who are happy to work there and who have a lifestyle which is attractive to prospective employees. The brand renders them unique when compared to other employers. Developing an employer brand is not just about pushing public relations messages to the media. It is about the actual experiences of the employees, the way the leadership team acts, and the corporate values that are commu- nicated both internally and externally. If there is any divergence among these three elements, it will most proba- bly become evident and the employ- er would have no control on it. The employer cannot control what is said about it in private circles, chat rooms, blogs and online communities. So the employer brand depends a great deal on the authenticity of the employer. My own experience in the recruit- ment sector shows that employers with strong, positive, authentic brands at- tract the right talent for their organi- sation, experience lower staff turnover and reduce their recruitment costs. In today’s highly competitive labour market these are three outcomes that cannot surely be ignored. About the author Joanne Bondin is Head - Selection Unit and Director of Misco Con- sulting; a leading knowledge-based independent consulting firm in Malta, working closely with its clients across all sectors of the economy, with the aim of creating and transforming business strategy into reality. She may be contacted at 21220303 or at [email protected] Q 2 , 2017 57