Design & Build 02 | Page 45

Design Design Feature Strengthening concrete and masonry structures by Ing. Ph.D. Paolo Casadei Recent seismic events in Italy, starting from the earthquake of l’Aquila in 2009, then the Emilia earth- quake in 2012, and the most recent ones that happened in central Italy, have shown the vulnerability of masonry as well as of reinforced concrete structures. Most of the existing building inventory in Europe was designed according to building codes and guidelines that did not take into account seis- mic loads, and when they eventually did, the knowledge towards seismic loads showed how existing codes were still too conservative. Taking into account the factor that most existing structures have not undertaken any major refurbishment since they were built will further bring to light the day-to- day risks we all undergo, wherever we may be. DESIGN&BUILD Q1, 2017 43