What will the restoration of
the Triton Fountain involve?
These are the main points listed in a method state-
ment issued in November 2015, for this ambitious
restoration job:
Restoration of Valletta’s iconic Triton Fountain
is to be completed before January 2018.
the transport sector so we can be better prepared to avoid
them. “This research gives a clear picture of the direction
we are heading, from today to 2050. Transport has never
been looked at in this way” added the Minister.
Through this plan of action it is hoped that one would be
able to see a solution through which travel durations will be
reduced and a solution found for faster means of travel from
one locality to another, whether for business, need or pleas-
ure. This would reduce emissions and improve the quality
of air and encourage the use of public transport and make it
more accessible as an alternative to private transport.
The plan identifies a number of concrete measures that need
to be implemented in the short-term, on the medium- and
also in the long-term covering all forms of transport, land-
based, airborne, maritime and intermodal. The plan also
addresses problems related to traffic congestion, air quality
and punctuality of service of public transport.
Furthermore, the Minister explained that the “Transport
Master Plan has the aim of improving security on the
roads through better research, engineering, education
and enforcement.” This will include giving attention to
the bad attitudes and lack of discipline of some drivers
Q1, 2017
• The three bronze triton figures to be disassembled,
taken to a foundry for restoration and be patinat-
ed in azurite blue, as in their original state in 1959.
(This procedure involves applying a thin coloured
layer, usually basic copper sulfate, that forms on
copper or copper alloys - such as bronze - as a
result of natural corrosion or chemical treatment.)
• Removal of the incongruous central pillar to re-
store the fountain to its original design, which will
probably need a new basin on top.
• Reinforcement if necessary of the concrete base
underneath the tritons, plastic piping and widen-
ing of the access shaft to facilitate maintenance.
• Cleansing of the travertine components and the
realignment of the largest slabs which have been
displaced over time.
• Repair and install new water fittings to recreate
the original effect.
• Install specialised UV filters to ensure water
remains clean and a wind control system to reduce
water pressure automatically in case of strong
• Install the original illumination pattern possibly
using LED lights and rope lights around the foun-
tain’s circumference.