1. the country is going to depend eco-
nomically on a continual growth in
population because otherwise we
will no longer remain competitive
and sustainable;
2. we are going to need to continue
to attract more tourists, even in
the light of plans to build hotels
of a higher standard than we have
at the moment; and
In order to bridge the gap between the planning process and
actual implementation, people with the required experience are
needed to work with the academically qualified.
One must note that there is a huge
divide between the planning process
and the actual implementation, and
people with the required experience
are needed to work with others who
are academically qualified. One also
needs to be able to communicate ef-
fectively the aims for such a plan and
how it could be reached.
In order to implement a comprehen-
sive master plan like the one for Pace-
ville, a hard-working core group, hav-
ing the necessary experience and skill
set and one which will be adequately
remunerated, needs to be appointed.
One of the things that saddens me is
that many state board members, who
are instrumental in taking decisions on
which the country’s continuing success
depends, are insufficiently paid. There
is a limit as to how much a person can
contribute for such trifling amounts.
A major challenge the country faces
at the moment is traffic manage-
ment, which needs to be tackled
without any further delay. We are
facing a situation where:
the country
is going
to depend
on a
growth in
3. we are going to have even
than we already have if all
this is going to come about.
This must be a priority because
if the traffic situation is not re-
solved in the next decade, it will
suffocate us and the government
would have failed the people in
this respect.
The infrastructure investment re-
quired in order to accommodate
major projects must be funded by
the project owners themselves. In-
frastructure is essential to the via-
bility and profitability of these big
projects, so we cannot continue to
expect the taxpayer to fund this in-
frastructural investment.
Courageous decisions need to be
taken soon if we want to improve the
quality of life in Malta - whether it
is the building of a tunnel linking
Malta and Gozo, or a system of rail
transport above or below ground.
We need to establish national pri-
orities and these have to take prece-
dence over specific site peculiarities.
Above all I urge everyone to realise
that common sense should prevail.
Q1, 2017