Design April/May 2015 Vol 3 | Page 3

How to pick the right house | interior| Don’t lose your home, because home is where the heart is 4. Zoning: Local laws set lim8. Size: Square footage is imits on the number and size of portant, but so are the relative housing units that can be built sizes of the various rooms and on residential lots. That means the use of space throughout the some areas may be open to house. A staircase, multiple hallmansion-sized homes or higher- ways or odd alcoves could make Shopping for a home can be a large house seem a shortfall outstandingabalance if there issmaller than after lotRepaying your bond – many the most of fun, especially when one of density housing (e.g., duplexes the sale,” warns Slabbert. “This means that not important financial commitments apartment buildings) while to make or its square footage. Check out attractive homes are on the only have the closets, too. Your home is one of make an the biggest assets you restrictions that you lost your asset and your home, other may have market. But before you but you still owe the remaining balance to the will ever own in your lifetime and one that can offer on the one that’s captured prohibit such uses. bank.” create long-term wealth, if handled properly. 9. Floor Plan: Some houses have your affections,your bond repayments will not only consider these There are a few ways to ensure that you protect Not fulfilling 5. Lot: A house that’s next to an efficient and pleasing arcriteria: your biggest asset. jeopardise this important asset, but can also a shopping mall, school,“Budgetingrangement of rooms while othpark, is imperative; your bond is one of have an adverse affect on your entire financial transit stop or other non-resi- payments that need to be made in the ers have odd configurations that, including your credit record. Price: Just because you can the first dential use way not be may seem maze-like or dictate “Purchasing and owning buy a more expensive housea home is a goodmay or maymonth,” says Slabbert. “One of the ways in desirable, depending on your to make sure thattraffic patterns. A inconvenient you are not tempted which to build wealth;necessarilyhome owners need however, doesn’t mean you to corner two-story to use a salary deduction. to makeso. The more money every provision possible to repay A home on a miss a payment is house can offer more preferences. should do their bonds, even when faced withmight be larger and Another way is a space for those who don’t lot financial more living debit order as soon as your you spend on mortgage paysalary comes in; the extra exertion every the difficulties,” says Thomas Slabbert, Head of FNB private than neighboring homes, mind this saves you time at ments, property taxes, hombank, Home Loans. Defaulting on your home loan cansubject to and by co