Design April/May 2015 December 2015/January 2016 | Page 44

How to colour wash a wall You can create your own watercolour wall by colour washing it. Colour washing is the process of painting a wall with watercolours. has a helpful article on how to colour wash your own wall at home. ( paint-watercolor-wash.html) A watercolour wash is a basic technique. Washes are useful for creating background. There are three kinds of washes: 1. Flat wash 2. Graded wash 3. Variegated wash Here are a few basics about the different types. 1. Flat Wash 44 • Choose a large brush that holds a lot of paint and covers a large area. This will make it easier to get an even wash. • Select the colour you want for your background and mix with about 50% water. Mix well to prevent any globs of pigment. • Dampen the wall by wiping it down with a wet cloth, or use a water spray. Start painting at the top and work with broad strokes until you reach the bottom. Work quickly so the paint does not dry in streaks, but rather blends all the way down. • Let it dry. 2. Graded Wash • Begin the same way as you would with the flat wash, with your watered down paint and wet wall. • You will have to decide if you want to start the darker colour at the bottom or the top. For ease of explaining we will use the darker colour at the top. desIgn Namibia December 2015/January 2016 Start with the loaded brush and a broad stroke across the entire top of the wall youyou are colouring. • For the next line/stroke lighten the colour by adding a bit more water to each brush stroke across the wall. The water will dilute the colour and give you a paler/lighter colour the further you go down the wall. Continue down until you have a clean brush for the final line at the bottom. • Alternatively you can darken your colour by adding more pigment to your wash mixture thereby achieving a darker colour with each stroke. Remember to overlap each line slightly to make the transition from each colour line seemless. 3. Variegated Washes • Dampen the wall by wiping it down with a wet cloth, or use a water spray. • Typically one uses two different colours such as blue and brown or pink and yellow. Here it depends on what kind of ‘landscape’ you want to achieve. • You start with the first colour eg. Yellow at the top, and working down the wall in smooth strokes you start introducing a bit of the pink paint on your paint brush without washing off the yellow. As you work your way down there will be a gradual/soft transition changing from yellow to pink. Drag the brush back and forth in bold strokes overlapping each stroke. Introduce the new colour without cleaning the other pigment off the brush. Keep going until your wash is finished. You will have a soft transition between the two colours. • Apply different amounts of pigment and water to th H