Design and Trends | Page 42

Form-A-Drain Plus is a great drainage system parallel to the footing below foundation walls that relieves hydrostatic pressure on walls and slabs to help reduce the risk of cracking . The greater water intake capacity ensures rapid collection of groundwater and minimizes the possibility of basement infiltration . A strong PVC construction lowers the possibility of system failure due to a collapsed or crushed drainage system . Form-A-Drain Plus was designed for basement applications to be installed before the basement construction begins .
It consists of lineal sections installed as the foundation footing forms . Unlike standard wood forms , its lineals stay in place permanently after completion of the concrete pour and because they form a complete sub-slab perimeter loop around the foundation , Form-A-Drain Plus functions as a foundation drainage and a radon collection system as well . And the best part is that since it stays in place , it also saves time for the construction crew ; there ’ s no need for a crew to return the next day to remove , strip , clean , and transport forms to the next jobsite .
With Form-A-Drain Plus you can create a drainage system as you set up footing forms with no need to purchase and install separate drain pipes . And its strong , rigid construction assures quality installation . Each lineal section is manufactured with one slotted wall to allow for the collection of water . The collected water then flows through the hollow core of the Form-A-Drain Plus system to the drainage outlet where it is safely discharged away from the home or to the sump pit . The foundation system is located at the top and on both sides of the footing to provide drainage on both the exterior and interior sides of the foundation .
Simply add a single outlet to one of the inner Form-A-Drain Plus lineals and connect it to a dedicated vent pipe , as described in the installation guide . And then enjoy all the revolutionary benefits that builders love and homeowners shouldn ’ t have to live without !
- Westlake Royal Building Products , www . westlakeroyalbuildingproducts . com