Deserve To Win Vol. I, Issue No. 2. | Page 21

By Eric J . Troutman


Cost To Access The National DNC Registry Database Set To Increase Next Year – But Why Isn ’ t It Free ??
By Eric J . Troutman
SO the FTC announced recently that the cost to access the national DNC list is going up .
I get it . Inflation . But I also don ’ t get it .
The FTC collects millions in penalties . So does the FCC . Why isn ’ t this money put toward making the DNC list ( and perhaps the RND , for that matter ) free to all ?
I mean , if we really want to stop unwanted robocalls — and we do — why not help to assure everyone has access to the datasets that can help protect consumers ?
Anyway , speech over . Here are the details from the FTC website :
The cost of accessing a single area code in the registry will be $ 78 in FY 2024 , which is an increase of $ 3 from FY 2023 . The maximum charge to any single entity for accessing all area codes nationwide is now $ 21,402 ( up from $ 20,740 in FY 2023 ). The fee for accessing an additional area code for a half year will increase $ 1 from FY 2023 , to $ 39 .
So . . . there you go .
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