Desert Messenger July 15, 2015 Jul. 2015 | Page 17
July 15, 2015
by Jane Finley
writer * artist * teacher (stretching,
exercise, relaxation, meditation)
Listen to you momma
Quartzsite, AZ 6/20/15
Who am I to tell you to “lissen
to yo Momma” when I don’t listen
myself? By “Momma” I mean that
little voice in your head that says,
“Don’t do that,” just as you are on
the verge of doing it. Sometimes,
tho, it says, “Oh, go ahead,” and
gives you the courage to do what
you need to do. My “Momma”
is located somewhere above my
spine at the back of my neck. It is,
of course, intuition. You see, intuition is not a kind of WOO-WOO
thing. It’s a kind of KNOWING
based on past experience. Every
time I ignore it, I’m sorry.
Take recently for example: Every
year for 15 years I have known to
leave Quartzsite before June when
the temperature hits triple digits.
In fact, for the past several years
I have written myself a note and
stuck it on the bathroom mirror:
JUNE. Now I am adding, “NO
is what stops me: Even when it’s in
the 100s during the day, the mornings are magnificent! Imagine
this: sitting on my porch having
my morning coffee just at sunrise.
The sky is an original watercolor
painting; there is a cool breeze and
before I have cast out the last of the
bread pieces, the wildlife appear
(through a kind of wildlife telepathy, I suppose.) So that’s why I
ignore that small voice in my head
that tells me to leave. It’s as easy as
turning off a light switch.
So this year I left on June 20. I
skipped my morning coffee to perform last-minute leaving chores.
Even though I’ve done all I can
earlier (from the long “Leaving Q
List” on my computer), there are
some things that can only be done
at the last minute, like turning off
the water, electricity, and propane.
I had boxed up the food I didn’t
Traveling with
Gypsy Jane
want to sit in the heat until October, but it still had to be loaded. Not
fun! And it was already too hot.
But I did leave the earliest yet; by
8:30 a.m. I was on the road. After
stopping for coffee, I hit Interstate
10 headed for Prescott and 20-degree cooler weather. With the air
conditioner on high, the 120 miles
to Phoenix were pretty comfortable. THEN I got to the Hwy 17
exit north to Flagstaff, and it was
CLOSED with no instructions as
to where to go and a freeway more
like a raceway. I was stressed!
The next exit put me on the State
Capitol campus where I got out of
my RV, braved the 113 degree heat,
and knocked on several buildings, including the campus police,
but it was a Saturday, and no one
was around. Add HOT and LOST
to STRESSED! I was scared too
and realized how really dangerous
driving in such high heat is. So, I
played the “age” card: I called 911,
which I have never done before. I
told the operator, “Exit 17 north to
Flagstaff is closed with no detour
directions. I took the next exit, and
I’m on the Capitol campus. I’m
XX years old, it’s over 100 degrees,
I come from a small town, I don’t
know Phoenix, and I’m lost. I need
to get to the Flagstaff exit.” She
said she would get me directions.
I said, “Oh nooooo; I am wayyyyy
past directions. I need somebody
to lead me to the exit.” Ten HOT
minutes later (the air conditioning
doesn’t work well enough when
you’re idling), the Phoenix police
arrived. I repeated my story, and
he said two blissful words: “FOLLOW ME.” After many twists and
turns and bumper-to-bumper traffic on side streets, we came to the
“Flagstaff” sign. It took forever.
When the officer came over to my
RV to point out the sign and ask if I
were OK, I thanked him profusely
and told him I couldn’t have done
it without him. He admitted it
was a challenge.
I decided to stop in Prescott
which was a lot cooler and managed to take a nap before going
dancing at 8:00 p.m. I figured I
deserved it!
There is a universal, intelligent,
life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides
within each one of us as a deep
wisdom, an inner knowing. We
can access this wonderful source
of knowledge and wisdom through
our intuition, an inner sense that
tells us what feels right and true
for us at any given moment.
~Shakti Gawain
AA meetings
Monday, Thursday & Saturday 5:30pm
Gloria 316-617-1877
Randy 928-216-7297
Tuesday & Saturday 11am
Black Rock RV Park behind Clubhouse
Thursday 11am 27928 S. Evans
Ted 308-383-7780.
Jane’s book is WANDERINGS:
Living the Ordinary Extraordinarily (Stories from the Road).
This column consists of stories
from her book
email: janefi[email protected],
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