Dermal Fillers Center Dermal Fillers - What, Why, and How | Page 10

• One injection can make a difference • Different fillers have different effects • Times you want to avoid fillers – Yes, you heard that right! Even one injection can make your skin look smoother and younger. One of the main reason for its popularity is that you start seeing the difference in the very first sitting. According to a research, a hyaluronic acid stimulates your collagen production that results in the fresher looking skin. – Most fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid, but with different size of particles. These different sizes of particles produce different results. It is important for you to know the difference. The larger size particles are meant to treat thinned cheekbones, whereas, small size particles treat fine lines and plump lips. An experienced dermatologist will tell you beforehand about the ideal treatment plan that suits you best. – Though fillers are considered safe, there are times when you want to avoid getting them injected. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a sinus infection, it is always recommended to hold off any injection in the facial area as it spread the infection. If you are dealing with any dental issues, fillers are not recommended. Consult your dermatologist if you have any medical issues.