Depth of Space Storytelling depth-of-space-story-telling | Page 5

Alex and His Red Flying Balloon İrem Özaydın and İhsan Doğramacı Kaymakam Özgür Azer Kurak Secondary School İzmir, Turkey Alex was living in one of the planet far. His planet was very small and he haven't got any friends. That morning he woke up again but this time he saw an unexpected object. This was a red flying balloon. Alex thougt of going another planets with this balloon -and he went- First he thougt of going Solar System. He went Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. There was no life. Then he went The Earth. He suprised. Because there was a life here. He met with Tom. First Tom suprised so much. But then they become best friends. After all time Alex have to go to another planets. Alex said goodbye to The Earth. He got on his balloon to explore another planets- maybe another lifes too- He was very happy that day. He was celebrating his birthday with his friends. His friends brought him a gift. He opened the gifts. He had great story books, balls, cars, and a huge toy astronaut all in one. He was very nice. He liked most toy astronauts. Day he was very tired. Astronot hugged his toy and stretched out his bed and fell asleep. Astronaut smiled and he dressed in astronaut dresses. He tied hands to the rocket. We are going to Astronaut and I go to the sky. '' It started to rise. He was curiously looking out of the rocket window. They were rising fast. As it got higher, everything below seemed to look very small. The world looked round like a ball on the ground.