Depth of Space Storytelling depth-of-space-story-telling | Page 21
Unexpected Guests in Our School
Betygala Maironis Gymnasium
Jolita and Erikas
It happened very early in the morning. I was in the first lesson.
Together with friends we listened to the teacher. Only suddenly the
buddy looked down at the window and stopped. Raised up
hand, and the teacher asked them:
- What is the matter? Why don't you do your tasks?
- Aaaaallliiiieeeennnnsssss.
The teacher looked through the window, and there was a real "ship"
for the Martyrs. From that fear she started to feel numb. A few
seconds later, a voice came from the speaker:
"Attention, attention! A marsh boat landed in our yard. Please
Do not panic! "The classmates of the class were watching at the
windows and watching the marshids and their ship. The boat looked
like a saucer, with windows and doors only. Four small "people"
with very big eyes, ears like antennas, green and very scary body left
the "ship". All four went to the door. The door opened and they
went to school. All the children who were in the classroom ran out
of it. Skipped to the lobby and we saw the same marshites. The
director came to them and shaked for each hand and offered to
stroll through the school. They apparently understood our language
and said yes. The first stop was the dining room. Marsites were
interested in our food. They tasted and said: "Very tasty".