Department of Building Inspection Annual Report | Page 13
Over 20,000 SRO residents were assisted/
reached in over 160 SRO buildings.
Type of issues addressed in SROs:
• Lack of heat, hot water, adequate toilet and
shower facilities.
• Water damage, floors, doors, sinks, tubs,
walls, ceilings, stairs, egress, smoke
alarms, fire safety, lighting, ventilation,
locks, security, windows, paint, kitchen
appliances and sanitation.
Single Room Occupancy Hotel
Collaborative Program
Over 20,000 low-income San Franciscans reside in
nearly 500 single-room occupancy (SRO) residential
hotels. In 2001, the SRO Residential Hotel
Collaborative Program was created by the Board of
Supervisors, in response to a rash of fires occurring in
these SRO hotels. The program aims to improve the
living conditions and safety for low-income residents.
The program features fire education workshops to
inform SRO residents of fire safety and prevention
techniques. Program participants counsel SRO
residents to improve living conditions and habitability,
and has been working collaboratively with DBI staff and
other agencies.
The program offers peer leadership development,
stabilization, community workshops, housing retention
planning and counseling and other services, particularly
to families with children living in Single-Room
Occupancy Residential Hotels.
Program Participants:
• Mission SRO Collaborative
• Central City SRO Collaborative
• Chinatown SRO Collaborative
• SRO Families United Collaborative
DBI FY 2014 – 2015 Annual Report