Department of Building Inspection Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016-2017 | Page 38

Finance Revenues and Expenditures Revenues FY 2016-17 FY 2015-16 Variance $ Variance % $80,730,263 $84,326,935 -$3,596,673 -4.3% 1.70% 10.23% Charges for Services 88.07% $71,099,913 TOTAL: $80,730,263 Apartment 10.23% $8,260,398 Other 1.70% $1,369,952 88.07% Expenditures FY 2016-17 FY 2015-16 Variance $ Variance % $65,508,121 $64,803,892 $704,229 1.09% 11.02% Salaries 63.61% $41,670,552 19.71% TOTAL: Non-Personnel 11.02% $7,222,094 $65,508,121 63.61% 10.23% 38 Department of Building Inspection, Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Annual Report Services to Other Departments 19.71% $12,913,896 Transfer to Projects 10.23% $6,701,579