Departamento Internacional da CGTP-IN Internacional | Page 5

With the cynical pretext of “fighting precarious work” and “enhance collective bargaining”, the Socialist Party government is siding with big capital against the workers, deepening the path of the previous government and the troika in the onslaught against the workers.

By weakening collective bargaining, the Government knows it is weakening a structural element to ensure fairer wealth redistribution, realisation of rights, freedoms and guarantees, notably the effective exercise of trade union freedom. Without the full right to collective bargaining that points out to upholding and reinforcing rights, workers will lose them and democracy will be even more degraded.

The government maintains unchanged the legislation that allows the employers to resort to the sub- contracting of temporary work agencies, to meet permanent necessities, a choice in which workers see their precarious contract links perpetuate, with increased exploitation.

These and other measures deserve and will continue deserving the opposition of the CGTP-IN, which is committed to intensify the workers’ struggle and action in the companies and workplaces, in a time which is a time of unity and cohesion in the struggle for rights, for a Portugal of progress and social justice, in defence of a sovereign nation in another Europe, of workers and peoples, of peace and social justice.

At the end of the demonstration, the CGTP-IN announced the holding of a rally, on 6 July, in front of the Parliament, “against the damaging measures of the labour law review, presented by the government”.

CGTP-IN International Department

June 2018