DenVhere Magazine: DenVhere: The Denver Reality Star Issue 2014 | Page 2

Table of Contents: DenVhere In-House Contributors: Georgez Dabit..Editor-In-Chief/Graphic Designer Tatiana Ybarra....Assistant to Editor-In-Chief Kim Clerkley..........................Journalist Kellie Johnson...................Junior Editor Shaun Asakura..................Photography PAGES: Pg 4........Facebook Winner Pg 8...................Floor Play Pg 10......Passport To Paris Pg 18.......Are You The One Pg 20...........American Idol Pg 22...........Ashley Harper Pg 30..Nicole's Snow Series Pg 38..Denver's Newest Design Pg 42...........Ms. Italy Galaxy Pg 46.......CSU Fashion Show Pg 50.........Lindsey Saunders Pg 54..........................Infatué Pg 62.....Editor's Weight Loss Margaret Sanzo...........Marketing Liaison