Denver Home Living from Your Colorado Home Group Fall 2018 | Page 4

DENVER HOME LIVING’S COMMUNITY COMMITMENT Denver Home Living and Huettner Capital support local charities, educators, and other community improvement organizations. Our support includes exposure in the magazine in addition to direct financial contributions. In this issue, our Philanthropy Focus highlights RAFT Colorado and the great work they do supporting educators and students with hands-on learning. Going beyond just writing about them, we are working with Executive Director Stephanie Welsh on a pilot program for local small businesses to sponsor schools in their area, one at a time. The goal is to bring RAFT (Resource Area For Teaching) programming to all teachers and students at a school at no cost to the teachers. The RAFT Small Business Partner Program begins with a Program Coordinator, who will recruit a group of small businesses to sponsor a school. Sponsorship will provide each teacher at the school with a RAFT membership and budget for activity materials. RAFT will support this effort with their traveling RAFT-On-Wheels Experience, offering teachers a convenient way to become familiar with the resources available from the RAFT Learning Center. We hope that this exciting new program will inspire you to participate. If you would like to join us in this effort, please contact us at info@ The Huettner Capital Philanthropy Focus Program is also ongoing, in which we donate $100 for every closed loan in the name of our borrowers to the 501(c)(3) charitable organization of their choice. This commitment gives our clients an opportunity to support the causes they care about and give back to the community. Please let us know about the local charities, educators, and other groups helping those in our community that you support. You can contact us on our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]. PUBLISHER Carle Publishing Inc. MANAGING EDITOR Erika MacLeod GRAPHIC DESIGN Carmen McKay CONTENT COORDINATOR Stacey Cowperthwaite ADVERTISING (Local) Todd Huettner CONTRIBUTORS Todd Huettner Jessica Davis Jamie Oliver Annie Sloan Christina Anthis Gary Vanderchuck Sarah Richardson Bill Leeper Shirley Jenkins Joy Fraser Stephanie Knight David Head Richard Eyre Linda Eyre Debbie Mason Daniel Murphy Matt Vigil Rachel Munoz MIchelle Harris PHOTOGRAPHY All images sourced from Carle Publishing Inc. or unless otherwise identified. Jamie Oliver Photo Credit: Jamie Oliver Credit: Janis Nicolay The Denver Home Living Magazine is published by Carle Publishing Inc. All content, copyright © 2018, Carle Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, all or in part, without written consent from the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all content in this publication, however, neither the publisher nor Denver Home Living Magazine will be held responsible for omissions or errors. Articles, reports and information contained herein reflect the views of the individuals who wrote or prepared them and do not necessarily represent the position of the publisher or Denver Home Living. The material herein is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing herein is to be considered the rendering of housing advice for specific cases or circumstances. Communication of any information contained herein does not constitute an broker-client relationship, nor convey legal advice or recommendation of any kind. Do not rely on information contained herein to replace consultation with qualified  industry leaders or other professionals in your jurisdiction. Please address all editorial and advertising inquiries to Carle Publishing Inc., Email: erika@carlepublishing. com. Carle Publishing Inc. is not held responsible for the loss, damage or any other injury to unsolicited material (including but not limited to manuscripts, artwork, photographs and advertisements). Unsolicited material must be included with a self-addressed, overnight- delivery return envelope, postage prepaid. Carle Publishing Inc. and Denver Home Living will not give or rent your name, mailing address, or other contact information to third parties. Subscriptions are complimentary for qualified individuals. CARLE PUBLISHING Phone: (506) 238-4683 Fax: (866) 609-5674 Email: [email protected] Website: 4