Denver Home Living from Your Colorado Home Group Fall 2018 | Page 21
Clary Sage
There are quite a few essential
oils that can help with the issues
that pertain to sleepless nights.
Some are great for calming the body down
while others can help shut off the mind
when it won't shut up. Not all essential oils
are created equal! If you are using these
for small children and babies, be sure to
check out my post on the hippyhomemaker.
com on Essential Oil Safety for Babies &
Children. These are just some essential oils
that you can use in a sleepytime blend:
• Cedarwood – The woodsy scents
of cedarwood is so calming, that
many find it works better for them
than lavender! Together, they are
unstoppable! Cedarwood is a base note,
and appropriately grounding! It can
help to shut off the brain and bring
peace to those who have overactive
conversations with themselves at night.
• Chamomile, roman – One of the
other most well-known essential
oils and herbs for sleepytime,
chamomile has been known to
calm everyone from babies to the
elderly, and everyone in between!
Clary sage – Containing some of
the same properties as valerian, clary
sage is a very effective sedative. In
fact, when studied in comparison to
lavender, chamomile, and rosemary,
for the strongest anti-stressor, clary
sage lead the pack. I love the relaxant
properties of clary sage so much that
I like to use it in both my Aunt Flo's
Soothing Salve and my Don't Worry
Be Happy anti-anxiety blend!
• Coriander – Just like lavender,
coriander is rich in a chemical
constituent called linalool. Also like
lavender, this essential oil works great at
calming stress, anxiety, and sleep issues!
• Frankincense – It's no wonder
frankincense is mentioned in the Bible
as one of the premier gifts, because
it's so useful for SO many things!
Its earthy notes work well in any
sleep blend. When combined with
lavender, they can do no wrong!
Ylang Ylang
ssential oils can help to induce
sleep when you are deprived.
Lavender – One of the most well-
known essential oils used for sleep,
lavender works well for most people
to calm the body and soothe the
mind. There is a small percentage of
people who experience the opposite
effects from lavender. If you are
one of those people, avoid using
lavender in your sleepytime blends!
• Mandarin, Orange, Lemon,
Bergamot or Tangerine – Most all
citrus are bright and happy making
them great to relieve stress, but they
are also still calming and can help
blend the deeper notes in together.
• Marjoram, sweet – Honestly, after
I first smelled this essential oil, all
my favorites went out the window.
There is something delightful about
sweet marjoram, that just smells so
good to me! It's seriously one of my
favorite essential oils on smell alone.
It's also an incredible powerhouse (what
essential oil isn't? lol) and very good
at helping to relax and calm the body
so that you can sleep. I don't make a
sleep blend without this essential oil!
• Sandalwood – This earthy and sweet
essential oil is another calming one that
works great at grounding and calming
the mind. Sandalwood blends well
with most essential oils and will help
fix any top note citrus essential oils.
• Valerian – If you know anything
about herbs, you likely already know
just how effective valerian is at helping
with sleep. This stinky-feet smelling
herb can be taken at night to fall asleep
at night, I only ever put just a couple
drops in a blend because otherwise,
the stinky feet smell will come out!
• Vetiver – With such a deep and earthy
scent, vetiver is very good at calming
both the mind and the body, helping
you to fall asleep faster and stay
asleep longer. It's one of those scents
that you either love or hate! Only a
drop or two is needed in any blend,
otherwise, it's too overpowering!
• Ylang Ylang – This very f lorally
essential oil comes from the f lower
and reminds one of a calming tropical
island. Ylang ylang is another one of
those strong essential oils that only
needs a small amount added to a blend
or it can become too overpowering!