Dentrix Magazine Q2 2016 Jul. 2016 | Page 21

STEP 3 U S E T H E L I S T YO U C R E AT E D TO A S S I G N T H E PAT I E N T S TO T H E P R O P H Y C O N T I N U I N G C A R E T Y P E . Go through the list of patients and decide whether each patient should be attached to the PROPHY continuing care type. To help you decide if the patient should be attached to that type, you can click Edit > Selected Patient’s Continuing Care to view the other continuing care types to which the patient is attached, or you can open the Patient Chart and look at the type of procedures you have completed for that patient. Keep in mind that some patients, like those who are on a perio continuing care schedule, may not need to be assigned to the PROPHY type. Once you have determined that a patient needs to be assigned to the prophy continuing care type, assign the patient to that type. From the Continuing Care module, select the patient’s name on the list and click Edit > Selected Patient’s Continuing Care. In the selected patient’s Dentrix Continuing Care dialog box (Figure 3), select the prophy continuing care type and click Set. In the Set Continuing Care dialog box (Figure 4), enter the details for that continuing care type for the patient, such as the patient’s next due date and the provider for this continuing care type, and then click OK. Note that the patient names drop off the list as they are assigned to continuing care. Figure 3 The patient’s Dentrix Continuing Care dialog box shows all of the settings for his or her continuing care. Tip: If you want to assign the patient to a different interval than is standard for the other patients in your practice (for example, if this patient should be seen every four months for a prophy instead of every six months), you can do so in the Set Interval dialog box. Click the Due Date search button and then adjust the patient’s interval as needed. IF YOUR CONTINUING CARE SYSTEM IS RUNNING E F F I C I E N T LY A N D E F F E C T I V E LY, YOU’LL BE BETTER ABLE TO K E E P YO U R PAT I E N T S C O M I N G IN FOR REGULAR CLEANINGS AND EXAMS, WHICH WILL LEAD TO FA S T E R D I AG N O S E S A N D I N C R E A S E D T R E AT M E N T R AT E S Figure 4 You can customize patient-specific continuing care settings like interval and due date in the Set Continuing Care dialog box. IN YOUR PRACTICE. DENTRIX MAGAZINE | 17