Dentrix Magazine Q2 2016 Jul. 2016 | Page 16

3 . Name the new case Bridge . 4 . Uncheck everything except the composite procedures since those are the only procedures that will be in both cases . 5 . Click OK . A new case called Bridge will be created and will contain the composite procedures . As with linked cases , a linked symbol appears next to each case , indicating the connection .
6 . In the default case , select all of the bridge procedures and drag them into the Bridge case . You will now have one case containing the implant procedures and one case containing the bridge procedures , but both cases will include the composites .
7 . Right-click the default case and select Rename Case . Rename the default case to Implant .
8 . Create a new case called Default Case . Right-click the new case and select Set Case as Patient ’ s Default Treatment Plan ( Figure 4 ).
Use the following case studies to check your understanding of working with alternate treatment cases in Dentrix . Discuss the following scenarios with your team and decide whether you should create multiple unrelated cases , create an alternate case , or link alternate cases :
Q : Keri Brown has a missing tooth . Dr . Jones recommends that she have an implant to replace the tooth , but she could have a bridge to replace the tooth .
A : Keri will be choosing between two options for treatment , and there is no other treatment that needs to be completed . You should link the alternative cases .
Q : Jane Sterling needs to have a root canal . Dr . Jones wants to present some cosmetic bleaching to her as well . The root canal and the bleaching do not need to be completed at the same time .
A : Since the procedures are not alternatives to each other and are just separate treatments , you should create two unrelated treatment plans for Jane : one for the root canal and one for the optional cosmetic procedures .
Figure 4 Once you have created the alternate cases , create a new default case .
Keep in mind :
• Any time you treatment plan procedures , they are added to the default case in the Treatment Planner . Because you do not want any new procedures added to the cases you just defined , it ’ s important that you make a new default case once you have set up your alternate cases .
• You can tell which case is the default case because the case name appears in bold .
• When you select the procedures in the Create Alternate Case dialog box , you are telling Dentrix to add a duplicate copy of the procedures to the new alternate case . You should only check the procedures that both cases will have in common .
• When you complete an alternate case , the procedures that were duplicated in the other case will also be marked as completed . They will not be duplicated in the Chart .
Q : Raul Hernandez needs to have fillings on # 18 and # 19 . Dr . Jones is giving him the option of either amalgam or composite fillings .
A : Raul will be choosing between two options for treatment , and there is no other treatment that needs to be completed . You should link the alternative cases .
Q : Tina Leung needs to have fillings on # 6-7 and # 15 . Dr . Jones wants her to have composites on # 6-7 , but Tina can choose either an amalgam or a composite on # 15 .
A : Tina needs to have the fillings on # 6 and # 7 completed regardless of which option she chooses for # 15 , so you should create alternate cases for the amalgam and composite on # 15 that both include the composites on # 6-7 .
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