The Dentrix Mastery Tracks™ program helps you
Reviewing Past Practice Advisor Reports
Did you know that Dentrix stores a copy
of each Practice Advisor Report you
generate? These stored reports make it
easy to compare the information from
past reports with current reports, and see how that
information has changed. And because these reports
are stored in Dentrix, you don’t have to store paper
copies that take up filing cabinet space.
To review past Practice Advisor Reports:
1. From the Office Manager’s Analysis menu, click
Practice Advisor. The Practice Advisor dialog
box appears.
2. Click the Report History button. The Practice
Advisor Report History dialog box appears.
Reports are grouped by date and then listed by the
time each was generated. You have the following
options for viewing reports listed here:
assess and improve your Dentrix skills. Find
tips that correspond with your job and use
them to prepare for a test or just enhance your
skills. Visit to learn
more about Dentrix Mastery Tracks.
Front Office
Practice Analysis
Quickly Finding Previously Viewed Patients
During the course of a work day you may select
hundreds of patients within Dentrix. When selecting a
patient, there is a section of the Select Patient dialog
box that can save you time, especially if you need to find
a patient you’ve already worked with earlier in the day.
In the Select Patient dialog box, there is a section
at the bottom of the window labeled Previously
Selected Patients.
This section keeps a list of the last 30 patients you
have searched for. You can quickly re-select a patient
on this list by double-clicking their name, which can
be a lot quicker than having to re-search for them by
name, especially if you know you’ve already looked
them up once today. Using the Previously Selected
Patients list can save you a little bit of time in Dentrix,
and a lot of time in the long run.
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Expand List/Collapse List - click these buttons
to expand or collapse all items.
Preview - Click this button to preview a selected
report. This button is only active if a report time
is selected.
Delete - Click this button to delete the selected
report. This button is only active if a report time
is selected.
Previewing past reports is quick and easy because
Dentrix doesn’t have to regenerate the report.